Monday, May 17, 2004

Riding Herd on the Herd--have ya heard of it?

What's up with those folks who plug up entrances and exits to everything from movie theaters, coffee shops, elevators, meeting rooms, airport arrival/departure areas, churches, and other crowded spaces? These are the bozos, who while supposedly entering or leaving the area, will stop smack dab in the middle of the ONLY WAY OUT/IN to have a conversation with a friend, to hug someone, to check their makeup, to blow their nose, to check their purse or pockets, or some other darn fool thing. Kinda makes you want to get a cattle prod to get things moving again, eh? And, then, of course, are the knuckleheads who stop on freeway on-ramps, or who cut across three lanes of traffic to make a turn... aaargh! And then also are the folks doing 70mph who tailgate you so tightly that you have to make room among your bumperstickers for them... Was driving between L.A. and Las Vegas this weekend--and saw the result of that... five or six different cars--with stupid owners who were tailgating. The one in the front stopped or slowed quickly... The folks behind them did not. Created one heck of a traffic jam... but also a very graphic lesson for those others considering tailgating to perhaps rethink themselves. (Probably won't work, but it is worth a shot to give them the benefit of the doubt--I know my kids hate my preaching and grousing about these things ..but maybe it will soak in.)


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